Thesis Won Award
In May, Richard and I were awarded best thesis of 2011 by the Swedish Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. The ceremony was held at Ruag Space Sweden in Göteborg.
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Swedish winter
In the middle of December, I got these shots from a place called Strandön south of Uddevalla. It was the most fantastic day and the sun was amazing.
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Last week in Hong Kong
The last week in Hong Kong has started. It feels sad to leave this place just as the summer finally hits Hong Kong after a very moist and cloudy spring. It’s been a terrific year abroad and I don’t really see how I will adapt to the Swedish life again. The food, climate, beautiful surroundings, and one of the biggest, most alive, mega-cities on this planet. Returning to small Gothenburg will be interesting to put it gently.
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Putting chromes cache in RAM
UPDATE: This was written many years ago may not be useful today
The Chrome web browser is changing the way we browse with it’s speed and focus on content. But, it’s killing my laptop’s battery and hard drive with its constant reading and writing to disk.
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