Thesis Won Award

Jun 5, 2012, tags: chalmers

In May, Richard and I were awarded best thesis of 2011 by the Swedish Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. The ceremony was held at Ruag Space Sweden in Göteborg.

From the press release:

The Swedish Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics (FlygTekniska Föreningen, FTF) was founded in 1933 in Stockholm. The purpose of the society is to promote and stimulate the interest in technology of aeronautics and astronautics in Sweden. The scholarship is awarded to signify the importance of Chalmers to educated qualified engineers in the areas of aero- and space technology for the benefit of the FTF and companies in the industry.

We held a short presentation of our work at their annual meeting as well as listening to a very interesting talk about the development of the jet engines used in the Swedish fighters. It feels good knowing that our work was appreciated.